
I've always enjoyed distilling an idea and it's meaning down to it's base parts, and logo design is a perfect outlet for that. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to create a lot of the brand identities for wider projects that I've been involved in.
Personal project: A Logo design for an online marketplace for ethical and sustainable goods and services.
Personal group project: Logo design for a web app enabling pro-EU citizens to record and send a voice message to their local MP.
Logo design for a blues loving, alternative, humanist, funeral celebrant. Niche!
Logo design for web-based community magazine: HF Circles inspired by Hammersmith & Fulham's position on the Thames
Logo design for Pick My Postcode, a free lottery where your ticket is your postcode.
Logo for a friend's personal marketing consultancy.
Personal project: A polling service
A logo for a retreat for pregnant women wanting a natural birth
A logo for an accessible mental health service providing first-aid for mental health training and low-cost psychotherapy.